In January 2020 I was invited by the institute founders to give a presentation at the National Kitchen and Bath Industry Show in Las Vegas about how the Living In Place Principals have affected my life. Well… my family members could pretty much be the poster children for Living In Place. It felt intimidating at the time but I put together this slideshow and it was very well received by my piers and other industry professionals.
Click on the link below to see the presentation featuring our Forever Home for 3 Generations
I am am honored to have been selected as one of thirty five International Ambassadors for The Living In Place Institute. Our purpose as a group is to initiate awareness of the benefits of the principals of Living In Place to the public as well as to the building and medical communities. I am thrilled to be among these amazing people who are so passionate about making all homes, safe, comfortable and accessible as a norm, a reality! We meet monthly online to share knowledge and experiences.