It's a Colorful Life

 At our first meeting, I was impressed by this client’s love of bold patterns, colors, and art. They had already selected a warm terra cotta for the walls in the public area of the home and owned a contemporary sofa in shades of navy, teal, and clay. Their love for these colors and patterns influenced our design choices throughout the project. Phase one was adding chairs, a rug, and accent tables to the living room to compliment their existing sofa. This project spanned several years. We did the sunroom and dining room at different times, and both needed to complement the work that we had done in the living room. The final phase was the kitchen. Of course, we could go bold! Teal cabinets were a logical choice. The glass backsplash makes a statement and pulls together the teal and maple tones of the  upper and lower cabinets

Tues. - Fri. 1-4pm & By appointment

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3211 E. Douglas Ave., Wichita, KS 67218
316 992 1855

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